Having just landed from Queensland Alexandra & Phillip were greeted with the risk of showers and another overcast Sydney day. We had arranged to take a trip down to the bay where old wooden slats are set against a rock-face, supporting scattered dinghies by the sea. The sky may have been grey, but I find there is often a silver lining to every perceived problem – in this case the dull weather worked a treat for the colours. I love the muted tones of this shoot and how the red and blue accents of the couple’s clothing has them stand out against the monochromatic greys of the rocks, wooden slats and aluminium boats. For me, this sort of colour minimalism makes for a great canvas against which you can bring focus to your subjects.

Alexandra and Phillip are great fun, they laugh, poke fun at each other and allow me to poke fun at them –they are gorgeous inside-and-out and that combination makes my job a walk in the park!